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Spring Time Explorations
The days are longer, the foliage has sprung, flowers cover the islands with colorful dots. The birds are singing, the

Winter Birds
The San Juan Islands are known for a vast variety of wildlife. Most people know about the orcas, the humpback

Getting into that Christmas Spirit
Even the crankiest curmudgeon or anti-Christmas person cannot deny the charm that Friday Harbor oozes during the Holidays! The whole

Shopping in the Islands
I am often asked how I take care of my shopping living on San Juan Island. Most people refer to
November has arrived and winter is just around the corner. If you haven’t done so, it is now time to
Parking Perils and Perks in Friday Harbor
Parking can be challenging but certainly not impossible in downtown Friday Harbor. We don’t have parking meters but we do
Staging Your Home to Sell – Part 2 – Living Room or the First Room You See When You Walk In
In our first blog about ‘Staging Your Home to Sell’ we talked about the importance of seeing your space through
Staging Your Home to Sell – Part 1 -Front Door/Entry and Yard
Whether you sell your home using a realtor or sell it yourself, getting your home ready to view is a
Pet Friendly San Juan Island
San Juan Island is a very pet friendly place. All pets must be on a leash so you don’t have
Living on a Boat
I find the lure of the sea irresistible. I love the smell of the sea. I love cruising, whether in
Say What?
The Salish Sea, pronounced say-leesh, is the location of the San Juan Islands. The Salish Sea, according to Wikipedia, includes
The Heart of the San Juans
Is Shaw Island truly the heart of the San Juan Islands? For the approximately 250 full-time residents who make Shaw